Diallel crossing (10x10) in Swiss stone pine. Juvenile-adult correlations and genetic gain for predicting forward selection
Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra) is a viable solution for afforestation in the high mountain zone, at the upper limit of the forests, due to the species adaptation ability to the limiting climatic conditions. The aim of this study was to analyse the genetic variability, inheritance rate and juvenile-adult correlations, in a 26 years full-sib (10x10 complete mating design) trial, in order to predict the genetic gain of forward selection. In the spring of 2023, measurements and evaluations were carried out for all the existing trees, for Survival rate (Sr), growth (Diameter as breast height- Dbh, Trees’ height- Th, Trees’ volume- Tv) and quality traits (Forks, stem slenderness- Ss, branches’ diameter- Bd, branches’ finesse- Bf, defoliation- Def). The 90 cross-pollinated (CP) families registered 50% of Sr whereas the other 10 selfcross-pollinated (consanguineous) registered just 11% of Sr, and the majority of those trees are dominated and face extinction in the next years. Juvenile-adult correlations were highly significant (p<0.001), indicating that early selection (at the age of 14 years) might be efficient. At the trial age, based on the medium to high heritabilities, the forward selection of the best 10% individual trees from the top 20 of the 90 CP families, for Dbh, could be applied, which ensure at least 9.2% of genetic gain.Downloads
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