New silvicultural approaches for multipurpose management in beech forests


  • Francesco Pelleri Council for Agricultural Research and Economics Research Centre for Forestry and Wood
  • Claudia Becagli Council for Agricultural Research and Economics - Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment
  • Dalila Sansone Council for Agricultural Research and Economics Research Centre for Forestry and Wood
  • Elisa Bianchetto Council for Agricultural Research and Economics - Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment
  • Claudio Bidini Council for Agricultural Research and Economics Research Centre for Forestry and Wood
  • Maria Chiara Manetti Council for Agricultural Research and Economics Research Centre for Forestry and Wood



beech, thinning, crop trees, silviculture, traditional silviculture, tree-oriented silviculture


Traditional thinning and stand silviculture had positive effects on tree stability, stand efficiency and tree growth if compared to the lack of management. Nevertheless, the tree oriented silviculture has proven to be a type of management best meets the multifunctionality pourpouses required by forests today. In Italy beech high forests are generally managed with traditional thinning from below ascribable to stand silviculture; in the last decades tree oriented silviculture, an innovative management system is spreading in Europe. The aim of the study is to compare two thinning types applied in two localities of central Italy, in beech stands deriving from shelterwood system, aged 45-50 years: stand silviculture (SS), tree-silviculure (TS) and control (C). All trees were periodically measured in order to assess growth, mortality and production from 2008 onwards. Crop trees DBH, selected for each silvicultural approach, was annually measured while, an evaluation of the stem quality, crown development and stability were carried out between the 1st and last thinnings. Differences in vertical and horizontal diversity stand structures were assessed. Results pointed out similar growth rate at stand level; while a superior growth in diameter, in dimension of the crown and stability of the crop trees were observed in TS. The TS has proven to be the management option that best meets the multifunctionality required by forests today.


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Research article