Next Generation Sequencing genomic analysis of bacteria from soils of the sites with naturally-occurring summer truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittad.)
soil bacteria, summer truffle, NGS method, bacterial diversityAbstract
The rhizosphere is the region of soil in which the highest densities of fungi and bacteria occur. In this study, an attempt was made to assess the distribution of bacterial species in soil where the summer truffle Tuber aestivum Vittad. bears fruit in selected stands in Poland. In order to determine the bacterial metagenome, the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) method was applied. Differences occurred in the bacterial species composition at the cluster level between soils in which summer truffle fruiting was recorded and control soils. In particular, differences in the percentage of Firmicutes bacteria were noted with an average frequency of 3.9% in truffle soil compared to 96.1% in the control soil. It was estimated that two bacterial species, namely Lysobacter antibioticus and Ensifer adhaerens had a positive effect on the occurrence of T. aestivum. Our research increased the knowledge of particular groups of bacteria accompanying truffles and their potential impact on the formation of fruiting bodies in T. aestivum.References
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