A regenerative route for Eugenia uniflora L. (Myrtaceae) through in vitro germination and micropropagation


  • Paulo Roberto Diniz da Silva Federal University of the Pampa, Av. Antonio Trilha, 1847, 97300-000, São Gabriel, RS, Brazil
  • Rosa Gomes Rispoli Federal University of the Pampa, Av. Antonio Trilha, 1847, 97300-000, São Gabriel, RS, Brazil
  • Mônica Munareto Minozzo Federal University of the Pampa, Av. Antonio Trilha, 1847, 97300-000, São Gabriel, RS, Brazil
  • Laura Honório Jobim Federal University of the Pampa, Av. Antonio Trilha, 1847, 97300-000, São Gabriel, RS, Brazil
  • Marina Junges Federal University of the Pampa, Av. Antonio Trilha, 1847, 97300-000, São Gabriel, RS, Brazil
  • Valdir Marcos Stefenon Federal University of the Pampa, Av. Antonio Trilha, 1847, 97300-000, São Gabriel, RS, Brazil




Brazilian cherry, organogenesis, tree breeding, conservation of genetic resources


Eugenia uniflora is a tree species native from Central and South America, largely employed in the popular medicine, in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries and also consumed in natura. Aiming to provide plant material with high sanity and genetic uniformity for the establishment of commercial plantations, we developed a protocol for seeds disinfestation, in vitro germination and in vitro propagation of this species through organogenesis. Fruits of E. uniflora were obtained from wild trees growing in the Pampa biome, Southern Brazil. Seeds were disinfested using ethanol 70% (10 min) and NaOCl 1.25% (10 or 25 min). Shoot apexes and nodal segments of non-contaminated plantlets were cultivated in verification medium AS30 during 20 days, posteriorly in ½MS medium supplemented with sucrose, IBA and BAP during 45 days and acclimatized in greenhouse. Disinfesting seeds with ethanol 70% (10 min) and NaOCl 1.25% (25 min) allowed germination with significantly lower contamination (2.0%) and production of healthy explants for the micropropagation. No difference concerning size and contamination was observed for the propagation using shoot apexes or nodal segments as explant. Acclimatized plants revealed normal phenotype and healthy appearance. This regenerative route can be applied for mass clonal propagation from seeds of cross-pollinated or self-pollinated selected trees aiming the establishment of commercial plantations of E. uniflora and other Myrtaceae species.


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Research article