Genetic diversity and differentiation in Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.)
Pinus cembra, provenance, isozyme system, genetic variation, genetic distanceAbstract
Seven provenances of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembraL.) from the main range area of theRomanian Carpathians were analysed using ten isozymes systems (GDH, GOT, IDH, MDH, MNR, 6-PGDH, PGI, PGM, LAP, SKDH). For the investigated provenances, the average, the expectedheterozygosity was 0.046, the polymorphic loci per populations were 31.8 %, the number of allelesper locus was 1.11. Analysis of F-statistics has showed a deficiency of heterozygotes per population,in reference to the Hardy-Weinberg ratio. Analysis of FST has proved that over 93% of the geneticvariation is located at the level of populations whereas 7% of genetic variation is located in between.The dendrogram obtained by means of genetic distances has indicated that there is no cleardifferentiation between the Northern and Southern provenances from the Romanian Carpathians.Amongst all, Stâna de Râu provenance is the most distinctly differentiated, with the highest level ofgenetic diversity.References
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