Annals of Forest Research: ten years of international publication
The paper presents some history and the last ten years of Annals of Forest Research as an international scientific publication.References
Blada, I., King, J., Sniezko, R. 2008. Proceedings of the IUFRO Working Party 2.02.15 “Breeding and Genetic Resources of Five-Needle Pines” Conference held from September 19 to 23, 2006, Văliug, Romania. Annals of Forest Research 51(1): 3-4. Borz, S., Acuna, M., Heinimann, H., Palander, T., Spinelli, R. 2017. “Innovating the competitive edge: from research to impact in the forest value chain”: half-century of FORMEC. Annals of Forest Research 60(2): 199-201. DOI:10.15287/afr.2017.914 Day, R.,A. 1998. How to write and publish a scientific paper. 5th edition, Oryx Press, Phoenix, Arizona, USA Egan, A., Keeton, W., Danks, C., Zia, A., Soloviy, I. 2017. Forest carbon projects in the Ukrainian Carpathians: an assessment of potential community impacts and benefits. Annals of Forest Research 60(1): 3-17. DOI:10.15287/afr.2016.718 Niculae, M., Avram, S., Vânău, G., Pătroescu, M. 2017. Effectiveness of Natura 2000 network in Romanian Alpine Biogeographical Region: an assessment based on forest landscape connectivity. Annals of Forest Research 60(1): 19-32. DOI:10.15287/afr.2016.793 Popescu, S., Biriș, I., Teodosiu, M., Bouriaud, O., Olenici, N., Mohor, D. 2014. Annals of Forest Research: 80 years from first publishing. Annals of Forest Research 57 (1): 3-4. DOI: 10.15287/afr.2014.183
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